Call for Papers
The Journal of Research in Music (JRM) cordially invites scholars, academicians and researchers from all over the world to submit their unpublished original work for inclusion in our next publication issue (Vol. 2, No. 1,2024).

Information for Authors


The journal provides a forum to explore the impacts of post-colonial and globalizing movements and processes on these musics, the musicians involved, sound-producing industries, and resulting developments in today’s music practices. It adopts an open-minded perspective on diverse musics and musical knowledge cultures.

Despite focusing on traditional and popular musics, relevant themes and issues can include explorations of recent ideas and perspectives from ethnomusicology, social and cultural anthropology, musicology, communication studies, media and cultural studies, geography, art and museum studies, and other fields with a scholarly focus on Asian and European interconnectivity. The journal also features special, guest- edited issues that bring together contributions under a unifying theme or specific geographical area.


In addition, the journal includes reviews of relevant books, special issues, magazines, CDs, websites, DVDs, online music releases, exhibitions, artwork, radio programs and music festivals.


The official email address:


Alternatively, submissions can also be sent to the coordinating editor :


Please send your full submissions (non-formatted, with all your figures and items placed within the text of a word-document and a cover sheet with your personal data) to this email address. Please make sure that you only include figures (drawings, photos, schemes, and others, and do not forget captions below the figures) for which you were granted rights. Also, please provide citations for the information you give the reader (don’t assume the reader knows the basics of your topic!), and include the name, date, and place for any fieldwork interviews you cite (unless the interviewee requests anonymity, of course). You may use Harvard, APA, or Chicago Manual referencing and citation style, and please ensure all reference information is complete. Please add a short line giving your current affiliation (which can also be a university of which you are an alumna/us), what you urgently want to let readers know about you, and an email address for the authors in the first footnote of each article/review, in order to help obtain more knowledge about their individual development. This is to encourage online investigations on research topics and an exchange of opinions among scholars and other interested persons. We also want to prevent outdated author profiles being accessible over a longer period of time.


Journal of Research in Music welcomes article submissions and does not charge any submission fee nor publication fee. All accepted articles will be available open access under the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC. Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.

All submissions in the given framework will be double-blind peer-reviewed. The review process follows strict rules in order to exclude conflicts of interest and personal bias. This process is placed in a time schedule that fits the frequency of publications. The editors will get in touch with submitting authors on an individual basis.