Dr. R. M. Sumudu Nisala Embogama
Head - English Language Teaching Unit | Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Qualifications: B.A. (Special) in English, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2003), M. A. in English, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2011), M. A. in Linguistics, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (2014), Ph. D. in Linguistics, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (2019)
Sumudu Embogama is a Senior Lecturer in English Language attached to the University of the Visual & Performing Arts, Sri Lanka. Currently, she is serving as the Head of the English Language Teaching Unit of this university. She has over 15 years of teaching experience at the tertiary level. Her areas of expertise include ESL curriculum design, ESL lesson module development, content development for online English courses, evaluating English learners. Embogama’s research interests include Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Gender Studies, Teaching English as a Second Language, and Second Language Motivation.
Research Interests:
The use of technology for second language development, learner motivation to acquire the English language, gender studies, literary studies and English as a Second Language pedagogy
- Embogama, Sumudu, 2020. “An analysis of situational motivation among visual and performing arts undergraduates during their development of the macro English language skills”, Conference Proceedings, 10th MELTA International Research Conference in English Language Education (MIRCELE ONLINE 2020). Pp. 24 -28- ISSN 2756-8393
- Embogama, Sumudu, 2019, “The impact of motivation on learning English as a Second Language in relation to the essential language skills: A self-determination theory perspective”. Conference Proceedings, Annual Research Symposium, University of the Visual & Performing Arts (abstract presentation)
- Embogama, R.M.S.N., 2019, “From silence to voices: A feminist perspective of the origin and worship of goddess Pattini” ,Conference Proceedings, 2nd International Symposium on Social Science and Humanities (ISSSH) 2019, Development Towards Sustainability, National Center for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (NCAS) – Sri Lanka (abstract presentation)
- Embogama, Sumudu, 2018, “The Impact of Computer Assisted Language Learning on Low Proficiency ESL Undergraduates’ Development of the Present, Past and Future Tenses”, (Ed. Yuka Kawasaki), Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and Global Studies, Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Hyogo, Japan. Vol. 2, No. 2 August 2018 – ISSN 2432-7433 pp. 79 – 97
- Embogama,Sumudu, 2018, “The Impact of Computer Assisted Language Learning on Low Proficiency ESL Undergraduates’ Development of the Present, Past and Future Tenses”, Book of Abstracts- 2nd International Conference on Global Education Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and E – Learning, The International Institute of Knowledge Management
- Embogama, Sumudu, 2016, “The influence of technology enhanced learning on second language learners’ motivation”, (Ed. Martin Faggot and Shrimalee Herath), Language Teaching Research Partnerships (ELTReP) Awards- A Collection of Action Research Papers- ISBN 978-955-9055-39- pp 68 – 78.
- Embogama, Sumudu 2016, ‘ Course contents of the English Language Textbook for Advance Level students in Sri Lankan government schools and their relevance to learners’ cultures’, (Eds. D. Fernando & K. Herath), International Conference on the Humanities : New Dynamics, Divergences, Directions, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, pp. 116 – 129.
- Embogama, Sumudu, 2016, “A study of instrumental, integrative and personal motivation levels of Telecommunication Engineering students learning English as a second language”, International Conference on the Humanities: New Dynamics, Divergences, Directions, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya (abstract publication)
- Embogama, Sumudu, 2014, “Integrating Computer Assisted Language Learning in Undergraduate ESL Courses in Sri Lanka”, Changing Paradigms in English Language, SLELTA (abstract publication) – ISBN 9789551485061
- Embogama, Sumudu, 2013. “Teaching of English as a Second Language Using the Communicative Approach”, UVPA research Journal, 2013:
- Co-author : “Business Forum 2014, University of the Visual & Performing Arts”-ISBN 987-955-0322-03-9
- Translator of the UVPA Prospectus -2014, University of the Visual and Performing Arts
- Gold award for the Academic/Teacher Trainer Categor, MELTA Excellence in Research Award, 10th MELTA International Research Conference in
- English Language Education (MIRCELE ONLINE 2020), English Language Teaching Centre, Ministry of Education, Malaysia.
- Distinguished Paper Award- IConEGS Conference was held from 8th to 10th August , 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Recipient of the English Language Teaching Research Partnerships Award 2015- British Council, Sri Lanka.
- Member- Lesson Material Development Team – Pre-University online English Language programme 2020, UGC
- Action Committee Member to Establish the University Test for English Language (UTEL) Testing Centre, UGC
- Consultant- Designing and Establishing a Self-Access Language Lab at the ELTU and FHCS of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2014.
- Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) – Received a scholarship to follow the course “Trainer
- Training on Online ELT Course Design” conducted by the English Language Teaching Centre, Ministry of Education, Malaysia 4 Sept to 22 Sept 2017
- ESL Curricular Developer for the English Programmes offered for the undergraduates of the UVPA, 2018, 2019, 2020
- Principle Proposal writer of the project proposal of the UVPA for the UDG_EDP project of the World Bank- Rs. 10 Million worth of funding was received.- 2012
- Principle Proposal writer of the project proposal of the Faculty of Dance & Drama, UVPA for the IDAS project of the World Bank- Rs. 26 Million worth of funding was received – 2013