Dr. Tharanga Chinthana Dandeniya
Director - Centre for Research, Creative Works and Knowledge Dissemination (CRCKD - UVPA) | Head - Department of Drama, Oriental Ballet & Modern Dance | Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Qualifications: PhD (Theatre Performance )(Monash-Australia ), M.A by Research (La Trobe=Australia), EFS PG (La Trobe), B.A.(Hons)(Kelaniya), TAE (Kangan Institute Australia)Ad. Dip in Drama (Tower Hall Theatre SL), Crt in TV Production & Video Technology (NYSCO), Crt in Radio Script & Voice (SLBC)
Dr. Tharanga Dandeniya is an academic researcher, author, Australian accredited trainer/educator, project manager, administrator, and performance practitioner and has over 15 years of experience as a community development project designer/coordinator. He is a national award-winning writer/director/actor with over thirty years of experience in theatre, radio, and screen. Tharanga is the recipient of the Sri Lanka Presidential Scholarship for Performing Arts (2002), APA (2011), IPRS (2011), Performance Academy Grant (2014), Enrichment Bursary of PSi (2014-2015), and several publication grants. Tharanga conducted his Doctoral research (Theatre Performance) at Monash University(2011-2016) in Melbourne, Master of Arts by Research Degree at La Trobe University- Melbourne (2004-2007), and received B.A.(Honours) in Drama and Theatre at University of Kelaniya (2002). Through his research and performance practice, Tharanga has developed a comprehensive practicable Model for Cross-cultural performance, Temple Gateway Model, and presented at many international conferences. Tharanga is also an Australian accredited (NAATI) translator as well as a vocational educationalist. With the VIT (PT) accreditation and Training and Assessment Education (TAE) qualification (2019), Tharanga conducted an Applied Learning Certificate Programmes in Screen Acting for Australian College of Dramatic Arts and VCAL associated selected schools in Victoria. Tharanga is the founding president of Australia Asia Performance Community Inc. Tharanga is also an Australian accredited translator, and a trainer/educator in vocational education and Applied Learning in screen-based performing arts in Australia. He is a member of the State Drama Advisory Board of the Art Council of Sri Lanka. Currently, Tharanga is a senior lecturer, and the Head of the Department of Drama, Oriental Ballet & Modern Dance, Faculty of Dance & Drama of the UVPA.
Research Interests:
Playwriting and Directing, Research Methodologies, Cross-cultural Theatre, Performance Theories, Contemporary Theatre Practice
- Dandeniya, T.C. (2010). Rasingh Devio: with forward; A research political tragicomedy creating from folk lore and history. Colombo: An author publication Publication.). (On the publication grant from the National Library Board Publishing Project). (Nominated for the Best Drama Publication at the State Literature Awards, Sri Lanka)
- Dandeniya, T.C. (Translator). (2010). Mee Pani Pedesa-The Honey Spot by Jack Davis: with forward; Aboriginal drama and post-colonial matters. Colombo: Pehesara Publication. (Nominated for the Best Translation Drama Publication at the State Literature Awards, Sri Lanka
- Dandeniya, T.C. (2006). Asani Walahaka. Colombo: An author publication. (on the publication grant from the National Library Board publishing project)
- Dandeniya, T.C. (2000). Uduhulagak Awilla .Colombo: Stamford Lake Publication. ( National Library Board publishing project) -The Best Publication Award received from the National Youth Award 2000
- Dandeniya, T.C. (1995). Wadurunuwana saha Nalakaray. Colombo: Purna Education Foundation & Sarwodaya Vishvaleka. Also cited in the Government School Language and Literature textbook for grade 6. Awibalaya Saha Nena Balaya. Colombo: State Printing corporation, 2005, 74-85.
(Sri Lankan Government and Educational Ministry recommended text as extra reading material for grades 6 and 7)
Theses and Dissertations (UNPUBLISHED)
- Doctorate Thesis: Monash University 2016
Title: The Temple Gateway Model and Transcultural Passage: Conditions of Disempowerment and Disorientation in the Staging and Reception of Cultural Identities - Master of Arts by Research: La Trobe University 2007
Title: A Cross-Cultural Interpretation of Agamemnon for a Sinhala-Speaking Community
Conference Papers and Journal Articles
- Performing and representing residual cultural belongings of communities in shared spaces: intracultural and intercultural Moomba parade of Melbourne and Katharagama Perahara Parade of Sri Lanka. “UVPA-ICTM International Research Symposium – Colombo 2019, Sri Lankan Foundation Institute & University of Visual and Performing Arts, 12-14 Dec 2019;
- Practice as Research for undergraduate and post graduate degrees in Journal of Abhinaya, Cultural Ministry of Sri Lanka 2018
- Cultural coordination and orientation: Creating a performance atmosphere for audiences’ reception.PSI#22 conference, Melbourne University, 6-9 July 2016.
- Translations and theatrical adaptations of Greek drama in Sri Lanka from 1990 to 2005 for the Sinhala readers and (multi-ethnic) audience. in Journal of Fine Arts, University of Kelaniya 2016
- Staging cultural identities and spectatorship: The “Temple Gateway Model” and “Cultural Transpassage Theatre”. IFTR conference, Barcelona, 22-27 July 2013
- Compass coordinates of cultures that are under the radar: The Temple Gateway Model for theatre traditions those have limited attention in the international theatre- W-I-P conference (University of Queensland, Brisbane). 24-25 July 2012
- Compass coordinates of cultures that are under the radar: The Temple Gateway Model for theatre traditions those have limited attention in the international theatre market-
ADSA conference June 2012 - ‘Staging Sri Lankan cultural identity for the global theatre market: A Contemporary Natyashilpa’, Centre for Theatre and Performance Colloquium (Clayton, Monash University). 9 December 2011
- ‘Towards developing a theory to practice Sri Lankan diasporic theatre: A “Contemporary Natyashilpa” for contemporary South Asian theatrical practice’, ADSA (Monash University Clayton) 30/06/2011
News Papers and Magazine in Sinhala
- Natya, Vedikava, Rangaya,saha Melbourne (Drama, Theatre, Performance, and Melbourne article series ) Sannasa Community Magazine Australia June 2017- Aug 2018 (monthly).
- Digeridoo (An article series about Australian aboriginal culture and issues from a migrant’s point of view) Kedapatha Community Magazine Australia since April 2017- Aug 2018 (monthly).
- Rangamadala: Sinhala Wedikawe Geminatka Abasaya (The Open Arena Theatre: Influence of Folk theatre on Sinhala Drama Pahana (Sri Lankan Community Magazine, Australia) Issue 36- 39, April – July 2006.
- Rangamadala: Shanthi Karmayan hi Ranga Lakshana (The Open Arena Theatre: Dramatic Elements in Folk Rituals of Sri Lanka) Pahana (Sri Lankan Community Magazine, Australia) Issue 33- 35, Jan – March2006.
- Rangamadala: Bawuddha Puja Rattawa Asritha Rangaya Saha Ranga Bumiya (The Open Arena Theatre: Dramatic Elements and Theatre Space in Some Buddhist Observance of Sri Lanka) (Part Three), Pahana,(Sri Lankan Community Magazine, Australia) Issue 32, December 2005.
- Rangamadala: Aythihasika Mulashra Walin Heliwana Lankawe Rangakalawa: Performances of Sri Lanka Found in Historical References) (Part Two), Pahana,(Sri Lankan Community Magazine, Australia) Issue 28- 30, Aug- November 2005.
- Jathyanthara Sisaya (Colum Series) (International Student), Pahana,(Sri Lankan National Community Magazine, Australia) Issue 29, September 2005 to Issue 38, August 2006.
- The Winner of Enrichment Bursary, Monash University, 2014 Performance Studies
International PSi20 - MAPC Performance Grant 2014 ($5000 grant for developing an original
performance by the Monash Academy of Performing Arts) - Nomination for the Best Original Drama Book Publication
- The Cultural Ministry of Sri Lanka at the State Literature Awards for Rasingh Deiyo book publication 2012
- Nomination for the Best Translation Drama Book Publication
- The Cultural Ministry of Sri Lanka at the State Literature Awards for Meepani Pedesa book September 2012
- Postgraduate Travel Grant, MIGR, 2012, 2014 Monash University
- Australian Postgraduate Award, 201-2015
- Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship 2011-2015 Monash University
- Sri Lankan National Library Board Publication Grant 2010 Sri Lankan National Library
- Sri Lankan National Library Board Publication Grant 2006 Sri Lankan National Library
- Sri Lankan Presidential Scholarship for Performing Arts Category 2002
- Best Upcoming Director 2001
- The Cultural Ministry of Sri Lankan in the State Drama Festival 2001 Awarded for Asani Walahaka dramatic production
- The Best Script Second Place 2000 National Youth Drama Festival Sri Lanka, Asani Walahaka dramatic Production
- The Best Book Publication (Uduhulagak Avilla-short play text collection ) 2000
- The National Youth Award Festival Sri Lanka.
- Sri Lankan National library Board Publication Grant, 1999
- The Best Dramatic Production, Direction, and Script 1999 Uduhulangak Avilla dramatic production Inter University Drama Festival, Colombo University.
- The Best Script Second Place/Special Award for Direction 1999
- Uduhulangak Avilla Dramatic Production,The Cultural Ministry of Sri Lankan in the State Drama Festival.
- Poetry Merit 1999 The National Youth Award Festival Sri Lanka.
- The Best Lyrics Second Place 1999 Bihidora Abhiyasa student arts festival of nation-wide conducted by University
of Kelaniya. - Lyrics Merit 1998 The National Youth Award Festival Sri Lanka.
- The Best Drama Script 3rd place 1998 Mage Deshaya Awadi Karanu Mena student arts festival of nation-wide
conducted by University of Peradeniya Awarded for Handunageniema play text - The Best Tele Drama Script Third Place1998 Mage Deshaya Awadi Karanu Mena student arts festival of nation-wide
conducted by University of Peradeniya. - The Best Drama Script Third Place1998Awarded for Devio Dunna Rajjuruwo play text
- The Best Book Lyrics Second Place 1997
- The National Youth Award Festival Sri Lanka. This was awarded for the Thaniwu Doni lyrics
- The Best Dramatic Production 1997 Bihidora Abhiyasa student arts festival of nation-wide conducted by University of Kelaniya. Awarded for Hadunagenima dramatic production
- Lyrics Third Place1997 Mage Deshaya Awadi Karanu Mena student arts festival of nation-wide conducted by University of Peradeniya
- The Best Drama Script Second Place1996 Mage Deshaya Awadi Karanu Mena student arts festival of nation-wide conducted by University of Peradeniya. Awarded for Devio Dunna Rajjuruwo play text
- The Best Drama Script 1993(School Level) Mage Deshaya Awadi Karanu Mena student arts festival of nation-wide conducted by University of Peradeniya. Awarded for Nala karayo play text
- The Best Drama Script 1992 (School Level) Mage Deshaya Awadi Karanu Mena student arts festival of nation-wide conducted by University of Peradeniya. Awarded for Waduru Nuwana play text
- Member of the State Drama Advisory Board (2020-2023), Sri Lankan Art Counci Member of the Jury: State Drama Festivals 2010, 2019-2020
- Accreditation: Victorian Institute of Teaching (PT) Teacher Australia
- NAATI Accredited Translator –National Accredited Authority for Translators and Interpreters Australia
- Founding President of Australia Asia Performance Community InC. 2017-
- Accredited voice actor SLBC 1995-“