C.D.S. Kulathilaka Archival & Research unit of the Faculty of Music was established in 1990 with main purpose of providing audio & video equipment to facilitate the research conducted by the university and the preservation and continuation of the materials(Audio Visual Archiving) as a cultural heritage, and are vital elements of an institution or a nation’s collective memory, documenting the past, present and future as well as its achievements over the years.
At present the unit is involved in promoting research activities as well as publishing journals annually in addition to the Audio Visual Archiving
- To preserve the heritage of Arts and humanity through Audio Visual (AV) Archiving and promoting research and academic works.
- To provide access to the AV heritage through collection, provision and promotion of access to the AV collections (include sound recordings, film and video, graphic materials, electronic resources, etc.).
- To provide records management services to the university and preserves and provides access to the institution’s historical records.
- Achieve outstanding scientific research in various areas of knowledge.
- Provide departments and campus units with efficient and timely records management AV archival services
- Encourage distinguished research work through the creation of an attractive and stimulating environment to achieve goals of both the University and the society.
- Develop cooperation with local and international centers of research.
- Encourage research collections to be incorporated into the teaching experience to provide unique educational and research opportunities for university students
Research Symposium
The 3rd Undergraduate Research Symposium 2021, organized by the S. Kulathilake Archival and Research Unit, Faculty of Music, will provide an opportunity for undergraduate students of University to present their work in a scholarly setting, into the faculty and other members of the University of the Visual and Performing Arts. Undergraduate students from all disciplines are invited to present their research and creative work for the symposium.
The symposium will be held on 02 and 03 June 2021 from 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. at the faculty of music. If the Covid – 19 epidemic situation is continued, the symposium will be held as a virtual event via Zoom platform.
Developing research culture on Arts in a changing world
Sinhala / English
URS Guidelines for Abstract Submission
Abstracts should be between 250-300 words and should be a single paragraph with five (05) keywords in alphabetical order.
URS Guidelines for Presentation
The URS is an opportunity for students to communicate their research to an audience from a broad range of aesthetic background with special reference to the Covid-19 epidemic situation. Students may present their research in oral, or performance sessions via the virtual platform.
Presentations (Power Point)
The presenters should have to present their research as an oral or virtual presentation which will require special justifications.
- Presentations start every 20 minutes (15 minutes long, 3 minutes for questions, and 2 minutes to transition to the next presenter).
- Multimedia projector and screen will be available
- Out of professional courtesy, all presenters and audience are expected to stay for the entire session.
- Presentation schedules will be strictly enforced.
- Performances may be up to 18 minutes long.
- Upon request at the time of registration for the URS, the office of Undergraduate Research Symposium will work with performers to arrange appropriate spaces for music, dance, and theatre performances.
Conference Tracts
- Folklore and Culture
- Cinematography
- Arts & Communication
- Dance
- Music
- Applied Arts
Important Dates
26 February 2021 – Deadline for abstract submission
12 March 2021 – Notification of Acceptance
26 March 2021 – Submission of revised abstract date
Submit your abstracts on or before 26 February 2021
Contact S. Kulathilake Archival and Research Unit Officials
0718034146/0714403583/ 0775750616
email –