Dr. Dhanushka Washeera Salgamuwa
Head - Department of Sabaragamu Dance | Senior Lecturer (GradeII)
Qualifications: Ph.D, M.A. , B.A.
Research Interests:
Dance (Manipuri dance /Sabaragamu dance/North Indian Folk dance)
Academic journals
- “Sandhara” ISSN 13918206 – “Low country Shanthikarma in Sri Lanka”, Buddhist and pali university, Sri Lanka, 2019
- “Sanvadhee” ISSN 23572620 – ‘’Sabaragamu Shanthikarma ha badhi yaga sahithya”, University of Sri Jayawardhanapura Sri Lanka, 2019
- “Saundharya kala vimarshana” – “Sabaragamu yak thovilhi prasangika lakshana”, University of Visual and performing Arts, Sri Lanka, 2012
- “Sadesa” ISSN 23620854 – “dhasa ekada masayaka upadeshanya labadena Sabaragamuwe dola upatha”, Ministry of cultural Affairs, Sri Lanka, 2019
- “Batahira Bengalaye gemi netum”, “Narthana gaweshi Ministry of cultural Affairs,
Sri Lanka,2015
“Ruhune maha pragya”, “Kottagoda abhinandana – 2011
“Samandeva sankalpaya”, Lankadeepa newspaper, 2015
Curriculum development
- Course structure and Evaluation criteria 2014-2015, University of Visual and performing Arts, Sri Lanka
- Curriculum coordination of the national youth services council, 2020
International research papers
- Heritage of South &South East Asia Issues on Musealization, 15,16, November, INDIA, 2018
- International Research Symposium, UVPA, SRI LANKA, 2018
- 2nd International River Brahmaputra Art Festival, INDIA,2018
- NAGANANDA 2nd International Research Conclave on Buddhist Studies & Humanities, SRI LANKA 2019
- International Conference on Heritage as Soft Power, University of Kelaniya, SRI LANKA,2019
- International Conference on “Media Culture and Society Influence of Social Media on Education”, INDIA 2020
- International Webinar on DANCE, MUSIC, THEATRE Organizing “Manipur university-INDIA, Surindra Rajabhat University, Thailand, University of Visual and Performing Arts, SRI LANKA, University of Kalaniya, SRI LANKA 2020
- ICICH2020 Virtual Conference International Conference on Intangible Cultural heritage, University of Sri Jayawardhanapura Sri Lanka 2020
- Higher Education for Twenty First century (HETC) Scholarship( Master Degree) 2012
- Common Wealth Scholarship ICCR(Ph.D ) 2019/ 2020
- Best presenter, university of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka 2015
- International dance festival Sri Lanka (IDF), 2018
- Award for the advances in the art of dance, All island school dance competition, ministry of education, Sri Lanka
- Sri Kailasanathar Swamy Devasthanam festival, India 2018
- Gana Mukundhapriya classical music and dance festival, India 2018
- Sri Samireshwar UDGHATAN cultural festival, India 2020
Other Links :
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/washeera.salagamuwa
linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/washeera-salgamuwa-b6340a201/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WasheeraS