Dr. Asoka Dissanayaka
Senior Assistant Librarian (Grade I)
Dr. Asoka Dissanayaka graduated from the Institute of Aesthetic Studies, the University of Kelaniya in 1984 with a Second Class – Upper Division and was awarded the Doctor Ranjan Abeysingha award for the highest marks achieved in 1984.
She started her career in 1986 as an assistant probationary lecturer at the Department of Dance, Institute of Aesthetic Studies, the University of Kelaniya and was promoted to Senior Lecturer Grade I in 2001. In the year 2005, she was appointed as the first Head of the Department of, Department of Low Country dance, Faculty of Dance and Drama, University of Visual and Performing Arts.
In addition to her service from 1986 – 2005 at the Institute of Aesthetic Studies, the University of Kelaniya and at the University of Visual and Performing Arts from 2005 to date, she worked as a visiting lecturer for the University of Kelaniya (1996-2016), Sri Palee Campus, University of Colombo (2000-2010) and University of Sri Jayawardanapura (2008-2020).
Further, she worked as a resource person at the National Institute of Education in teachers’ guide preparation and other audio and video teaching material preparation. Also, she participated in workshops conducted for G.C.E Advanced Level model paper preparation by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka.
Research Interests:
Low Country Dance, Psychology, Counselling, Folk Dance and Music, Koolam Dance, Angampora satan krama kalaava, Believes on gods and goddesses in Sri Lanka
Research Publications
- Shaanthikarmawaldi Bhaavitha Punkalasa – ISBN 978-955-44043-04 (2012)
- Launched the creative dance item “Panchanaarighata Koolam” in 2012, discovered through research
- Launched 3 sets of CDs containing “Traditional Low Country Dance Recitals”, “Sindu Wannam in Low Country Dancing” and “Traditional Low Country Recitals” in 2012
Research Articles
- Madhu Shaanthikarma haa sambandha devi devathavangee sambhavaya haa vyaapthiya pilibada vimasiimak (1988)
- Udarata pahatharata haa sabaragamu narthana sampradaayanhii kaanthaavanta visheesha vuu yak thovilvala anthargathaya pilibada thulanaathmaka vigrahayak (1999)
- Pun kalasin niruupitha Sri Lakshmi pilibada adyanayak (2000)
- Hisa ves thaebiima haa baedi deva viskam baliya (2002)
- Sanniyakume bhaavitha aedhum paeladum pilibada vimarshanayak (2003)
- Sabaragamu shaanthikarmavala aedum paeladum visheshathaa (2003)
- Vas dos nivaaranaya haa baedi deva viskam baliya (2004)
- Ruukada naatya haa baedi vesha bhuushana vidi (2005)
- Angampora satan kalaava saha beravaadhanaya (2010)
- Siyanaee koorala ranga shailiyata ayath yakmadu shaanthikarmaya (2013)
- Yak thovilvala anthargatha updeshanaathmaka kriyaavaliya haa sambandha prakaashanaathmaka prathikaaraya – A study of the expressive therapeutic counselling in traditional yak thovils in Sri Lanka (2014)
- Sashrikathvaya apeekshitha kooolam haa vathpiliveth aashritha jana naetum pilibada vimasumak (2015)
- Sri laankeeya jana naatya haa baedhi ananga sankalpaya (2018)
- Deshiya shaanthikarmayanhi kaali haa paththini deva sankalpaya matha godanaegunu vath piliveth (2018)
- Research Publications to be published:
- Shaanthikarma pooja wasthu sadaha bhaavitha shaakamaya dravya
- Devaala perahara vath piliveth aashritha koolam narthana
Research Articles to be published
- Maathruu devagana (mav devagana) aedahiima haaa sambandha kaali maathaa vandanaya
- Abstract presented and received approval for the International Research Symposium of University of Sri Jayawardenapura (ICICH 2020): Soragunu devala perehara haa sambandha aethkada lihini koolam narthanaangaya pilibada adhyanayak
- Abstract presented for PATOC Online International Conference December 2020 organized by the Faculty of Dance and Drama, University of Visual and Performing Arts: Maargagatha deshana magin praayoogika narthana igaenviima shishya kendriya igaenviime kriyaavaliya kerehi balapaana aakaaraya pilibada vimarshanayak”
- Receiving the “”Vandee Nruthya Maatha”” Rathnasiri Wickramanayaka Prime Ministerial Appreciation Award in 2009 on the occasion of World Women’s Day
- Medal of Appreciation for Twenty-Five Years of Service to the University of Visual and Performing Arts
- Receiving the All Island Dance and Ballet Competition Evaluation Award presented by the Ministry of Education in the year 2016