Qualifications: BA (Hons), MLS, PhD., FSLLA
Research Interests:
Bibliographic Control, Indigenous Knowledge
- Compiled a bibliography on “Bibliography of Ola-Leaf collection on Indigenous Medicine” as a part requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Arts
- Submitted to the University of Colombo a thesis entitled “Evaluation of Reader Services in the University Libraries of Sri Lanka” as a part requirement for the degree of Master of Library and Information Science
- “A Student Guide book” based on the 20th edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification System. Compiled for the Sri Lanka Library Association
- University library services in Sri Lanka (1999). Journal of the University Librarians’ Association of Sri Lanka. Colombo: ULA
- Classification. (2002). Manual for Teacher Librarians, Colombo: NILIS
- An index to the theses collection in the library, University of Colombo – 1967 to 2002
- Classification system for the University Archives. (2010). University of Colombo. (Unpublished)
- Management of Indigenous Knowledge in Sri Lanka, with Special Reference to Indigenous Medicine. (2017). Information Development, Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/0266666917721594
- An investigation into utilization, beliefs and practice of indigenous medicine in Sri Lanka. (2018). African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines (Forth coming publication)
- Indian Technical Cooperation (ITEC), 2001
- Presidential scholarship, Sri Lanka (Short term), 2005
- Asian Communication and Research Centre (ACRC) Fellowship, 2012