Dr. H. M. S. S. Herath

Dr. H. M. S. S. Herath

Director - UBL Cell | Head - VAPA Television (Post Production) | Senior Lecturer (Grade II)

Qualifications: BVA (Special) Multimedia Arts, M.Eng (NUT Japan), D.Eng (NUT Japan)


Samith S. Herath is currently working as Head of Department of the Department of Multimedia Arts, University of the Visual and Performing Arts, Sri Lanka. The research interests centered on virtual reality and augment reality-based Interactive Design. Achieved Ph.D. in Information Science and Control Engineering from the Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan in 2019 and obtained Master’s in Information and Management Systems Engineering at the same university Japan in 2016. Bachelor’s was a special degree in Multimedia Arts from the Department of Multimedia Arts, University of the Visual and Performing Arts, Sri Lanka in 2012 with a first-class as well.

Research Interests:

Future studies will focus on three areas Media Art, Virtual Reality, and Real-Time Environment Transformations.

Virtual reality related Studies will expect test efficacy of the interactive virtual reality (VR) environment, based on psychophysiological changes. During the past two decades, the virtual reality society has developed on a synthesis of earlier work in interactive 3D computer graphics (CG), user interfaces, and visual stimulation. Information Technology has been facilitating biofeedback for many years. Biofeedback is defined as the technique of the utilization in the monitoring devices to furnish information regarding an automatic bodily function, such as heart rate or blood pressure, in an attempt to gain some voluntary control over these functions. My future studies motivated by the above-mentioned biofeedback and virtual reality technology and it will implement an interactive virtual reality environment to analyze the human psychophysiological changes.

Real-time visualization transformational studies motivated me in this covid-19 pandemic situation and the traditional production methods, virtual production inspires a more iterative, nonlinear, and collaborative process and, expect to create high-quality studio-based production.


Journal Publications

  • Herath, S.S., Kusumi, A., Note, Y., Nakamura, E., Nozawa, A. and Nomura, S., 2018. Enhancing cardiac parasympathetic nervous activity using a posture respiration ambient biofeedback system: a pilot study. Artificial Life and Robotics, 23(1), pp. 23
  • HERATH, S.S., HAYAKAWA, K., SAKAI, O., SEKIYA, R. and NOMURA, S., 2019. Effects on Cardiac and Peripheral Autonomic Nervous System by Posture Respiration Feedback Control Architecture. International Journal of Affective Engineering, pp. IJAE-D.
  • Herath, S.S., Hayakawa, K., Sakai, O., Sekiya, R. and Nomura, S., 2018. Efficacy of Involuntary Deep Breathing by Postural-Respiration Feedback Control System. ThinkMind // International Journal On Advances in Life Sciences, volume 10, numbers 1 and 2, 2018

Conference and Poster Presentations

  • Oral personation: 4th international (GIGAKU) Conference in Nagaoka (IGCN 2015)
    Title: “Kansei Based Digital Learning System for Kids, Inspired by Buddhist Stories”
  • Poster Presentations: 7th European Conference on Mental Health 2018
    Title: Detection of Human Pulse wave with a Commercial Earphone and Headphone While Listening to Music


  • I was awarded the Japanese Government Scholarship (MONBUKAGAKUSHO) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology, Japan in 2014 – 2019
  • Obtaining Creative Director First Place in Cinema Division for the Television Commercial Advertisement at the “KAVITHA TALENT Awards” Ceremony 2012, organized by the Ministry of Higher Education Sri Lanka
  • Obtaining Creative Director Second Place in Cinema Division for Cartoon Film at the “KAVITHA TALENT” Awards Ceremony 2012, organized by the Ministry of Higher Education Sri Lanka.


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