Dr. W. Ranjith Dharmathilake
Head- Department of Visual Communication Design | Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Qualifications: BFA, MSSc, PhD
I am from Kottegoda, Springville – a beautiful village surrounded by mountains of Badulla in Central Sri Lanka. I did my primary education at Kadana Sri Seevali Maha Vidyalaya, my secondary and Advanced Level at Sri Rahula Maha Vidyalaya and Badulla Central College respectively. I started my undergraduate studies in 1990 at the Institute of Aesthetic Studies, University of Kelaniya (IAS – UoK) – Sri Lanka (SL). Upon completion of my first degree in 1994, I joined J. Walter Thompson Advertising Agency in Colombo – Sri Lanka as a Visualizer. I was promoted to the position of a Senior Visualizer in 1998. In 2003, I got the opportunity to return to academia as a Temporary Lecturer at IAS – UoK – SL. In 2006, I joined the University of the Visual & Performing Arts as a Probationary Lecturer. I obtained my Master’s Degree in Social Sciences MSSc (by research) Degree in 2008 defending the thesis titled “The use of Cultural Elements in Television Commercial in Sri Lanka ( A Visual Communication Study)”. I conducted my research towards the PhD in the area of Colour Communication and defended the PhD dissertation titled “Colour Communication and Semiotics (A study on the evolution of Sri Lankan cultural Colour Communication)” supervised by Prof. Sunanda Mahendra, Senior Prof. Ariyarathne Athugala of University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Currently I am working as a Senior Lecturer of Department of Visual Communication Design, Faculty of Visual Art – University of the Visual & Performing Arts, Sri Lanka. In addition, since August 2021, I have been appointed as the Director of Center for Conceptual Anthropology, University of the Visual & Performing Arts.
In parallel with my academic career, I have been continuously engaged in Visual Arts and held several Solo Art exhibitions in different themes. Some of those were “A Miracle of Nature”, “Unseen Beauty” and “Silent zone” all based on water colour on paper held at Lionel Wendt Art Gallery, Colombo, Sri Lanka in 2001, 2004 and 2017 respectively. My most recent exhibition was held in 2019 at J.D.A. Perera Art Gallery of the University of Visual and Performing Arts, Sri Lanka under the theme “Soul of Colours”. This was based on water colour on paper.
Presently, I am experimenting about abstract art on Canvas with acrylic aiming at Shape, Rhythm and Emotion in the Nature.
Publication (Articles)
The importance of the study of Culture and Semantics in understanding Communication
Fine Arts Investigation – 2
University of the Visual & performing Arts – 2007
Cultural Elements and Television Commercials
Television Surveys – Fifth Zone – 2011
Rupavahini State Awards Ceremony – 2010
Department of Cultural Affairs.
Research paper & Abstract
A Study of the format of Sri Lanka TV Commercials
Annual Research Symposium 2012 – 2013 Full Papers
Research Abstract – 2012
University of the Visual & Performing Arts – Sri Lanka
A Communicative Study of the evolution of the Six Colour Concept
7th Annual Research Symposium – 2017
Research Abstract
University of the Visual & Performing Arts – Sri Lanka.
MSSc (Mass Communication)
Thesis – The use of Cultural Elements in Television Commercial in Sri Lanka (A Visual Communication Study)
PhD (Mass Communication)
Thesis – Colour Communication and Semiotics (A study on the evolution of Sri Lankan cultural Colour Communication)
Awarded A.C.G.S. Amarasekara Scholarship, highest marks in Drawing, Institute of Aesthetic Studies – University of Kelaniya. 1992
Awarded an Honorable mention in the 1998 International Population poster Contest sponsored by the UNFPA.
Awarded first prize in the 1998 all island population poster contest organized jointly by the Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine and the UNFPA
Awarded two first place in the 2000. Youth award all island Art and Graphic Art Organized by the Ministry of Youth and National Youth Council.
Awarded first place 1999 2nd place 2000. All island poster Art Competition organized By the Women affair
Awarded first place in the 1998. Island wide competition on the production of IEC materials on reproductive health organized by the health Education Bureau Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine.
Awarded first place in the 1997. Second place 1998 all island poster competition, organized By the CTC Eagle Insurance Company.
Awarded first place in the 2004. All island poster Art competition conducted by the National library and documentation service board.
Awarded the first place in the 1990 all island Art competition organized by Vijay Kumaratunga Memorial foundation.
Awarded first place in the 1989. All island Art competition organized by sarasavi Art Circle Gampaha.
First place in the 1999. All island professional poster Art competition Organized by the department of wild life conservation Sri Lanka.
First place in the 1992 all island poster Art competition organized by cultural and Communication institute, Kottawa.
Second place in the 1998 National handloom competition organized by the ministry of industrial development and the department of textile industries.
Third place in the 1998. All island Norma concourse for picture book illustration organized by UNESCO.
Third place in the 2002. All island National Art and Sculpture competition organized by the department of culture.
Second place in the 1998 all island poster competition organized by Sri Lanka family organization.
Third place in the 2000. All island poster and competition organized by the ministry of the agricultural.
Third place in the 2005. All island productivity poster competition organized by the National productivity secretariat ministry of labor relations and foreign employment.
Third place in the 1999. All island Arunodaya poster Art competition organized by the Upali Newspaper Pvt Ltd.
Third place in the 1991. All island poster competition organized by the Anti-Narcotics Association Sri Lanka.
First place in the 2000. All island logo design NAQDA organized by the National Aquaculture development Authority of Sri Lanka.
Designed Flag for Security Force Headquarters (South) Panagoda. 2011
Designed logo for (NAQDA) National Aquaculture development Authority of Sri Lanka.
Designed logo for Shakti society, Alcohol and drug information Centre – Sri Lanka.
Invitations were created for the International Women’s Day 2002-2005 organized by the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Social Welfare.
Leading the panel of Judges the Local Competition in the 2009 – 2010, 2010 – 2011 Lions International Peace Poster Contest.
Participated as the chairman of panel of judges for selection of best logo design for Annual Thurston vs. Isipathana “battle of brothers” cricket encounter 2017.
Joined selection committee for all island poster competition 2017 organized by ministry of mahaveli development and Environment.
Participated in the judging of school poster art and short video creation competitions held on the occasion of World Wetlands Day 2017 organized by the Department of Wildlife Development.
Solo Art Exhibition
1st Solo Art Exhibition – At Badulla Public Library – 1989.
2nd Solo Art Exhibition -A Magic of Colour – At Lionel Wendt Art Gallery, Colombo – 1999.
3rd Solo Art exhibition – A magic of Water colour – At Lional Wendt Art Gallery, Colombo – 2000.
4th Solo Art Exhibition – A Miracle of Nature – At Lionel wendt Art Gallery, Colombo – 2001
5th Solo Art Exhibition – Unseen Beauty – At Lionel wendt Art Gallery, Colombo – 2004
6th Solo Art Exhibition – Silent zone – At Lionel wendt Art Gallery, Colombo – 2017
7th Solo Art Exhibition – Soul of Colours – J.D.A. Perera Art Gallery, Colombo – 2019
Group Art Exhibition
J.D.A. Perera Gallery Opening Art Exhibition – J.D.A. Perera Art Gallery, Colombo – 2010
11th Anniversary Visual Arts Exhibition University of the Visual and Performing Arts – J.D.A. Perera Art Gallery, Colombo – 2016