Mr. A. M. H. K. Fernando
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
M.Mus. (BHU), BPA (Special) (UVPA), Sangeeth Visharada (BSV)
Mahendra Hemantha Kumara Fernando is attached to the Department of North Indian Music: at the Faculty of Music as a Senior Lecturer (Grade 11) and former Head of the department in South Indian Music at University of Visual and Performing Arts. His main area of performance in North Indian Classical Music (violin) and his first degree is bachelor of performing arts Music (special) in University of Visual and Performing Arts. He obtained the degree of Master of music in the examination of 2013 from Banaras Hindu University Varanasi India .He received the certificate of Diploma in English language for academic staff members from University of Visual and Performing Arts. He obtained sangeeth visharadha of vadya music and Diploma in Vocal from bhath kande sangit vidyapith in Lucknow India.
- Certificate of Visharada Vadya music Instrumental in Lucknow University India
- The ‘Island paper “awarded honours for solo of Hindustani music.
- Awarded the best flat drum player at Kandy dalada perahara
- All Island Youth society first place for several years classical violin
- All Island Youth society first place for several years dawul (kandy)
- Held a seminar for Zonal Education Music teachers about ‘Noorthi and Nadagam’ organized by Zonal Education Office, Giriulla, 2014.
- Received two scholarships from University of Visual and performing arts
‘R.A Chandrasena and Karunarathne Abeysekara’
- Conducted a work shop for world of children appereciations of fine arts
- ‘Nada sambhawaya’programme participated as a classical violinist
- Participated for several programmes in Rupavahini cooperation, ITN and Charana TV.
- Participated for many more classical events in Banaras Hindu University India
- Worked as a student counselor in Faculty of music in the year of 2010, 2015 -2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018.
- Member of the syllabus committee in Department of North Indian Music, University Of Visual and Performing Arts.
- Committee member of the ‘IR Report on the student assessment and awards ‘since 2022
- Member of the Quality Research And Development committee in Faculty of Music, University of Visual and Performing Arts,sinse 2021(ongoing)
- My paper articles are ‘punchi master saha tabla yaluwa,Hemantha kumara punchi kalakaruwa,Nagee ena raban natum shilpee sammanaya dinai,covered award for young violinst,musical display at giragama training school,Dramatising a Sinhalese myth professor Ediriweera Sarachchandra play stage at the theatre festival
- Participated as an actor for Professor Ediriweera Sarachchandra drama Sinhabhahu and maname
- Workshops and seminars done about noorthi gee at Tower hall and also in all island schools and education departments.
Research Interests:
North Indian classical music, Ethnomusicology, folk music and drama, applied music,
International Research Symposium Papers:
Fernando , Mahendra (2018) ‘Sindu nadagame lankeeya gami ananyathawa’
Journal articals:
Fernando ,Mahendra (2020) ‘Art of act Raban in Harispattuwa’ journal of C.De S.Kulathilaka archival and research