Mr. D. C. Peiris
Head - Department of North Indian Music | Senior Lecturer (Grade I)
MPhil (YOK- Sri Lanka), BMus (Hons)(IKSVV-India), Vadya Visharad (BSV-India)
D. Chanaka Peiris is a Senior Lecturer (Grade 1) in Tabla at the Department of North Indian Music, Faculty of Music. He is also a classical artist, music composer as well as a researcher. He completed his schooling at Ananda College, Colombo. He obtained his BMus (Hons) in Tabla with 1st class from the University of Indira Kala Sangit at Khairagar, India in 1997 and MPhil in Music from the University of Kelaniya in Sri Lanka in 2006. Also, he obtained Vadya Visharad in Tabla from Bhathkhande Sangit Vidyapit in India in 1990. He has participated in various workshops for music teachers and others as a resource person.
As an academic researcher, he has published a book in 2003 titled ‘Tabla Dhvani’, conducting a research study on Tabla and the techniques of playing. He has published a number of research articles. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the Abstract Book by Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Faculty of Music from 2018 to 2021 and also the Coordinating Editor of the Journal of C de S Kulathilake Archival and Research in 2020.
He is an ‘A’ grade classical artist in the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation. As a classical solo artist, he has given Tabla solo performances in various music concerts, radio programs and TV programs in Sri Lanka as well as India. He has collaborated with leading artists in Sri Lanka and India. As a music composer, he has composed many music creations.
In addition to the music field, he is interested in video production. He has obtained a certificate from OCIC Sri Lanka for video production.
Since 1999, various professional fields he has been contributing to the University as follows,
- Secretary – Faculty of Music Teachers’ Association, UVPA, (2021-2022)
- Convener – Undergraduate Research Symposium-3, Faculty of Music, UVPA, (2021)
- Member – Review Committee, Undergraduate Research Symposium-3, Faculty of Music, UVPA, (2021)
- Member – Organizing Committee, Undergraduate Research Symposium-3, Faculty of Music, UVPA, (2021)
- Head – C. de S. Archival and Research Unit, Faculty of Music. UVPA, (2018 to 2021)
- Coordinating Editor, Journal of C. de S. Kulathilake Archival and Research, C. de S. Kulathilake Archival and Research Unit, UVPA, 2020 January
- Member- Editorial Board, Music Research of Final Year Students, Faculty of Music, UVPA, (2020)
- Member – Research Development Committee, Faculty of Music, (2020-to date)
- Member – Web Committee, Faculty of Music, UVPA (2020-to date)
- Faculty representer – Board of Senet, UVPA (2018 -2021)
- Convener – Undergraduate Research Symposium-2, Faculty of Music, UVPA, (2019)
- Member – Review Committee, Undergraduate Research Symposium-2, Faculty of Music, UVPA, (2019)
- Member – Organizing Committee, Undergraduate Research Symposium-2, Faculty of Music, UVPA, (2019)
- Convener – Undergraduate Research Symposium-1, Faculty of Music, UVPA, (2018)
- Member – Review Committee, Undergraduate Research Symposium-1, Faculty of Music, UVPA, (2018)
- Member – Organizing Committee, Undergraduate Research Symposium-1, Faculty of Music, UVPA, (2018)
- Member – Theatre Committee of Faculty of Music, UVPA (2016-2019)
- Member – Review committee, Research Symposium of UVPA, (2015)
- Course Coordinator – MA in music, Postgraduate Centre, UVPA, (2012)
- Member- Committee of Postgraduate Studies, Postgraduate Centre, UVPA, (2012)
- Member- HETC project special committee, UVPA (2011)
- Secretory- Teaches Union of Faculty of Music, UVPA (2009-2011)
- External examination- MA in Music, University of Kelaniya,( 2010 – to date)
- Member – Syllabus Committee, Department of North Indian Music, Faculty of Music,(2007- to date)
- Chief coordinator- Planning Board for the Establishment of the department of Avanaddha Vadya, (2009)
- Student Counselor – University of Kelaniya, (1998-2000)
Research Interests:
My research interest is mainly focused on the field of the Indian Tal system. My current research is to study the mathematical background of the North Indian Tal system. And the pre-history of Sri Lanka is also another research field that I am interested in.
Peiris. D. C., (2003). Tablā Dhvani.Yakkala: an authot publication.
Research Articles
(2004). Tablāva bhāratīya nirmāṇayak da?. Samajja saṁhita-5. Colombo: Institute of Aesthetics Studies.
(2005). Srī Lānkēya hā bhāratīya avanaddha bhānda sambandha āgamika viśvāsa. Kalā sangarāva,62-62. Colombo: Arts council of Sri Lanka
(2005). Sangīta bhānda prabhavaya. State Music Festival Young Artist Award Ceremony. Colombo: Department of Cultural Affairs.
(2006). Mata vimasumak- Avanaddha bhānda. Miyasi Subasa. Colombo: Faculty Students Association of the University of the Visual & Performing Arts.
(2006). Srī lāṁkēya avanaddha bhānda kerehi vidēśīya balapǟma. Saundarya Kalā Vimarśana-1. Colombo: University of the Visual & Performing Arts.
(2007). Avanaddha bhāndayē sannivēdana kāryaya. Saundarya Kalā Vimarśana-2. Colombo: University of the Visual & Performing Arts.
(2008). Paṅcatūrya yanu paṅcavidha bhānda vargīkaraṇayak da?. Kalā sangarāva-1,Vol III. Colombo: Arts council of Sri Lanka
(2011). Uttara bhāratīya tāla paddhatiyē tālī- khālī bhāvitaya. Research Symposium-1. Colombo: University of the Visual & Performing Arts.
(2013). Ridma, tāla, laya pilibanda vigrahayak. Sangitānjali-2. Colombo: Department of Cultural Affairs
(2012-2013) Paṅcāṅgika tūrya saṁkalpaya srī lāṁkēya saṁgītabhānda vargīkaranayak da?. Paryēshana Parisaṁvāda Vistruta Ekatuwa. Colombo: University of the Visual & Performing Arts.
(2014). Uttara bhāratīya tāla saṁkalpaya. Saundarya Kalā Vimarśana-6. Colombo: University of the Visual & Performing Arts.
(2016). Tihāi nirmānayē gaṇitamaya pätikada. Saundarya Kalā Vimarśana-7. Colombo: University of the Visual & Performing Arts.
(2018). Uttara bhāratīya saṁgītayē bhāvita laya saṁkalpaya. International Research Symposium-1. Colombo: University of the Visual & Performing Arts.
(2020). The concept of laya in north indian music. Journal of C.de S.Kulatilake Archival and Research 1(1). Colombo: C.de S.Kulatilake Archival and Research Unit.
Creative works
Sangitābhimāna, Documentary, produced by PROMAC, (2015).
Thālaya ossē gatha wū kālaya ( Biography of D.R. Peiris), produced by D. R. Peiris Foundation, (2014) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI6CGPO7Mi4
Experimental creative works
Beyond the Life (Sound Track) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_3_efArM60
Phantom Riddle (Sound Track) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdyXb9p1JI8
Other creations
Mach of Conjoin – The main item of Faculty of Music at ‘Dīpa Abhimāanī’ concert (11th Anniversary Program of University of the Performing Arts) – 2012