Mr. K. M. Manoj Sanjeewa
Acting Head - Department of Western Music | Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Qualifications: BPA (Hons) (UVPA), Dip. Psychology (KLN), LTCL (Trinity college London)
Manoj Sanjeewa is a Lecturer at the department of Western Music, University of the Visual and Performing Arts (UVPA). He is a western classical singer, Music composer, voice Trainer, choir director, choir conductor, researcher and psychology counsellor. He is a member of the professional counsellors Association and Shanghai Cooperation Organization Countries’ Youth Choir. He participated in Yale international choral festival 2018, Yale University, United State America, London international Music festival 2019 London and Shanghai cooperation organization countries choir festival 2019 China. He has participated in many local and international concerts and contributed to the 2019 “Cavalleria Rusthicana” Opera by acting and singing (Presented by Barbara Segal Music International). Manoj Sanjeewa assists the Muslim Choral ensemble Sri Lanka, World Muslim Choral ensemble and World Interfaith Choral ensemble as an Assistant Artistic Director and Vocal Coach.He believes that music can make a big difference in people. “Music can touch many deep places in the human psyche. Explore. Music will take you on a supernatural path. But don’t stay inside. The essence of all this lies in abandonment. There is no music here that you can claim. Abandonment You will find a lot of interesting music”
Research Interests:
Music and reconciliation, music, psychology and emotion, singing, voice training and choral music.
- “Analysis of the historic evolution of role play of a man in cinema (Abstract publication 2016)
- Utilization and use of soft palate to improve voice quality during singing (Abstract publication 2018)”
- Singing, emotion and Memory – 2019
- The Place of Music in the School Education of Muslim Inhabitants in Sri Lanka- 2021
- Dharmadasa Walpola scholarship awarded by the faculty of music UVPA 2013.
- A.R Chandrasena Scholarship awarded by the faculty of music UVPA 2013.
- Award winner for Highest Score on Level four diploma in music performance Associate of Trinity College London(ATCL) 2014.
- All island award winner religious solo (male voice) festival of music, dancing and speech held by British and international federation 2009.
- Gold medal winner western ballet (free style) festival of music, dancing and speech held by British and international federation 2009.
- Have Honored 1st class for Bachelor of Performing Arts(Special) Degree in Western Music (Piano) of The University of the Visual and Performing Arts.
- Diploma in Psychology of the University of Kelaniya 2015.
- Higher Diploma in Counselling of the Research Institute of Psychology and Counselling 2016.
- Licentiate Diploma of the Trinity college Londone (LTCL)
- Choir Director Evolution – University of the Visual and Performing Arts Choir
- Former Choir Director Dharmapala college Choir, Pannipitiya, Sri Lanka
- Associate artistic director Muslim Choral Ensemble Sri Lanka.
- Associate artistic director World Muslim Choral Ensemble.
- Member of the professional counsellor association
- Member of the Shanghai Cooperation countries youth choir.