The Council is the executive body and governing authority of the University and comprised of the Vice Chancellor, who is the ex-officio Chairman, Deans of the three Faculties, two elected representatives of the Senate and distinctive persons in Educational, Professional, Commercial, Industrial, Scientific and Administrative spheres who are appointed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in such numbers as to exceed the aforementioned membership from the University by one.

Name Position


Prof. Rohan Nethsinghe Ex Officio Chairman of the Council – Vice Chancellor
Mr. K. Sarath Fernando Ex Officio – Dean/ Faculty of Music
Prof. K.M.S. Kumarathunga Ex Officio – Dean/ Faculty of Dance & Drama
Dr. I.M.T. Illangasinghe Ex Officio – Dean/ Faculty of Visual Arts
Prof. K.W.K.M.M.W.I. Ferdinando Ex Officio – Dean/ Faculty of Graduate Studies
Mr. T. Dharmarajah UGC Nominee – Chartered Accountant, Senior Partner (Audit and Assurance) of M/S Amerasekara & Company
Prof. Nimal Keerthi Dangalle UGC Nominee – Emeritus Professor
Dr. Chandrawansa Pathiraja UGC Nominee – Managing Director, Stem Cure Ferticare Lanka Private Limited
Mr. Prasantha Lal de Alwis UGC Nominee – President Counselor
Mr. Suresh Dominic UGC Nominee – Director/ Renuka Holdings PLC, Shaw Wallace PLC, Sithijaya Found/ Consultant, Interblocks Limited
Dr. H.M.S.S. Herath Senate Nominee – Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Dr. D.W. Salgamuwa Senate Nominee – Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Dr. Chani Imbulgoda Ex Officio Secretary to the Council – Registrar