Department of English Language Teaching
The Department of English Language Teaching (DELT) of the University of the Visual and Performing Arts (UVPA) was established with the main objective of ensuring that its English language programmes function effectively and productively. From its inception, the DELT came under the purview of the Vice-Chancellor of the university and its services are offered to all three faculties of undergraduate study. Although English as a Second Language (ESL) programmes were made available to the students from its inception as an autonomous University, the English Language Teaching Unit, was formally proposed and established at the UVPA in 2011 under the initiation of the former Vice Chancellor, Snr. Prof. Jayasena Kottagoda. From this point onward, the DELT has been providing its services to all the UVPA undergraduates by engaging in the pedagogic practice of teaching English as a second language (ESL). The primary mandate of this Unit is to develop the English language proficiency of the UVPA undergraduates.
About Us
Given the fact that graduates’ proficiency in English is regarded as an important qualification sought by both public and private sectors when procuring lucrative employment, the English Language Teaching Unit (DELT) of the UVPA has strived to develop ESL courses meant to enhance the learners’ general, academic and professional English knowledge.
At present, the DELT is almost at the point of being converted to a department of study. This has been the result of the recognition given by the Sri Lankan Government for prioritizing the development of English skills of university undergraduates which resulted in a policy decision that was taken by the University Grants Commission to upgrade all ELT Units and Centres (Establishment Circular Letter No. 01/2017). As such, the UVPA has approved the establishment of the Department of English Language Teaching at the Faculty of Dance and Drama.
The existing physical resources, human resources and infrastructure facilities of the DELT will be absorbed into the new Department of English Language Teaching. The proposed DELT will continue to offer its services to conduct English language courses that cater to the development of English language skills of all its undergraduates.
Degree Programs
The new syllabi developed by the DELT are well-planned and high quality ESL programmes that are in keeping with the endorsed quality assurance practices promoted by the institution, the Ministry of Higher Education and the University Grants Commission.
There are five courses offered at present and they are noncredit courses. The first-year students have two English courses – DELT 11015 and DELT 12025 – which are compulsory ones. From the second year onwards, the courses (DELT 23012, DELT 33012, and DELT 43012) are optional for students although many students continue to follow them as they are levelled and progress from one to another.
Year 1 (semester 1) – DELT 11015 – English for General and Academic Purposes – Beginners Level
Year 1 (semester 2) – DELT 12025 – English for General and Academics Purposes- Pre-intermediate level
Year 2 – DELT 23012 – English for General and Academics Purposes- Intermediate level
Year 3 – DELT 33012 – English for General and Academics Purposes- Upper- Intermediate level
Year 4 – DELT 43012 – English for General and Academics Purposes- Advanced level
Students are assessed based on the total marks they accumulate from the continuous assessments and the end-of year examination. In addition, 10% of the total mark is given for attendance in English classes.
The DELT offers various facilities to the students and the University. Among them the primary ones are as follows:
- Coordinate the administration of the University Test of English Language (UTEL)
- Arranging workshops/seminars/ competitions and other events for students to showcase their talents and English skills
- Organizing extra classes for students who need additional support to develop the language
- Providing access to English books and additional resources
- Supporting students who need assistance with their English writing
The academic staff members annually engage in studies that relate to the development of English as a second language at the university and notably in the arts faculties in Sri Lankan universities. The research finding are presented in various forums and abstract/papers are published.