Bachelor of Visual Arts (Special Textile & Wearable Arts )


Semester 01

Rotation Period

Semester 02

  1. Drawing
  2. Textile Design & Museum Studies
  3. Fashion Design


  1. Project &Portfolio Development
  2. Life Drawing
  3. Design Principles & Elements
  4. Coloration & finishing of Textiles
  5. Computer Based Design for Fashion  i
  6. Wearable Art Studio –Leather  & Other medium
  7. Fiber Art I
  8. Workshop & Field Studies
  9. Electives I
  10. Electives II


  1. History of Textile & Wearable Arts I
  2. Project & Portfolio Development
  3.  Drawing & Creativity  (Fashion Illustration)
  4. Fiber Art ii (Yarn & Fabric)
  5. Traditional Textiles
  6. Wearable Art Studio Leather ii
  7. Wearable Art Studio Multi medium
  8. Fashion Design
  9. Computer Based Design for Fashion ii
  10. Electives I


  1. History of Textiles & Wearable Arts ii
  2. Project &Portfolio
  3. Advanced Fashion Illustration
  4. Production & Marketing
  5. Textile & Fashion Technology
  6. Wearable Art Advance Studio
  7. Computer for textile & Wearable Art iii
  8. Research methodology
  9. Dissertation
  10. Elective 1


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